Saturday, November 21, 2009

Goodbye perth...but I'll be back...

Date and Day : 20/11/09, Friday
People : BPCWA people

Yeah friday I went to my last fellowship with BPCWA, and had supper with few of them.
It is nice knowing BPCWA and the members there.

The youth180 group.

The girls of Youth180 + me. (Girls are very elegant)

The guys of Youth180 + me. (Guys are very matured)

We went to fast eddys.
Left is Joel and Right is Kwanthar a.k.a. QANTAS

*nom nom nom* karen *nom nom nom*


L-R : Nelson, me, Joel, Kwanthar a.k.a. QANTAS

First question : Who the world is eddys?
Second question : How fast is eddys?

Date and Day : 21/11/09, Saturday
People : Edward, Karen, Kwanthar, Keanu, Tiong#2 a.k.a. Yong, me

Today is the day I leave perth as I have finished my studies (Hopefully no fails).
Would be back for graduation...for about a week sometime in March...then I'm gone for good !

Really appreciate everyone here being able to see me off.
And to others who couldn't see me off, do not feel lost or confused (sif), I can feel your presence.

Housemate karen, geoff and Kwanthar Qantas. Love you all.

Tiong #2 a.k.a. Yong and myself. New Love.

Gonna miss this hongkie dude !
I'm never gonna see him again coz he's going to back in december for good once he gets his Vet license !
Then keanu becomes Dr. Keanu LIN YING HOI. His chinese name sounds cool.
Horsies Love.

Edward, Kwanthar...thanks for coming !
These are two very funny and sporting people !
Love em much !

That's my flight ! So sad to leave perth...boohoo ! No love.

Feeling a bit emo right now. Felt like the last time I had my period.
Man. Need some ME time.
Too busy unpacking and sorting stuff in my room and all.


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